Yep, the rain is back with a vengeance and it's certainly made the temperature a lot colder. There was nothing to do for several days but to stay in,put the fire on and read. I guess that's why Noah got the animals in, for the company.
I punctuated the time with doing my chores and a jolly little jaunt to the laundrette. Unfortunately the caravan was full of damp washing - a lovely odour to accompany my meals. The kitchen in the house hasn't had a chance to dry out for weeks, everytime the floor starts to dry we have another downpour. Roll on the arrival of the roofer!
After 3 days it cleared up a bit but by then I had lost the will to live, let alone to work in the garden! The rain started again anyway. Another wasted day. Good job I've got the Kindle. The rain poured down at nights on the caravan roof but at least I was dry and warm.
Then heavy storms continued to alternate with weak sunshine and the temperature went up and down all day but at least I could take the chance do some stuff in the garden. The caravan carpet is now beyond repair! I have a big bag full of muddy, smelly clothes. My sanity is hanging by a thread.
Thursday - at last - started bright and sunny so I decided to rake over the coals of my many bonfires and get rid of the slag heap it has now become. Unfortunately the rain has turned it into a claggy, clayey dollop so by 10.30 I was covered in mud but I persevered as much as I could. The weather finally seems to have changed, just in time for Polly, Selwyn and Rachael's visit.
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