Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Home Alone Again

The first couple of days back were hot but not unpleasantly so.  The grass had stopped growing but not the weeds so it all looks a bit off kilter.  Saturday dawned cloudy but very humid, it was difficult to keep myself motivated.  I went to the market and the laundrette and then drove 25 kms to find some gas for the flame thrower, did a bit of shopping and then a couple of hours of weeding.  Despite not spending very much time in the garden, I have got a few very nasty bites on my arms and legs, which have done nothing to cheer me up.

Finding it hard to keep going at the moment.  An early night, out of boredom as much as anything.  It rained overnight and Sunday morning, a grey drizzle.  So I went to a brocante at Gensac and then the supermarket.  Too damp to work on the orchard, the rain too noisy on the caravan for me to hear the radio, the day stretched sadly before me........

It's a bit like being in prison but without the company or cooked meals and television.   Ate comfort food and drank wine so I suppose it's better than prison!!!

Monday was humid with occasional heavy downpours - another day when not much got done.  I couldn't go out as Darren had said he would be around to finish off the path.  He didn't turn up, quelle surprise!

Tuesday brought a genuine surprise with Darren's arrival.  I was out shopping when he got there.  Anyway we had a talk and sorted a few things out and he will be here for the next 3 days.  I hand-weeded swathes of ground in the 'one-day-soon-to-be orchard' but it didn't look much different afterwards.  I attached plastic bags full of strong weedkiller to some of the brambles growing in the pyracantha but retired injured after half an hour - too many scratches.  I planted more brambles in pots so that I can transplant them where I want them.  The main area of brambles will be left intact until after the harvest, or whatever the word is, then razed to the ground to make more room for fruit trees.

Well, I picked my first courgettes today, my own organic veg!!  Worth a photo I think!!

By the end of the day Darren has set out the borders for the new path so here are some photos for Chris

I'll send more tomorrow or Thursday, whenever it's finished.  Can't wait for it to be over, it's gone on far too long!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. HI Annie... I cannot imagine being in your shoes... yes, it is exciting to be constructing your own house and witnessing the befores and afters... but the loneliness must kill. I am sorry it is taking much too long... but I am also proud of you for being such a strong woman to take it all in... the courgettes look cool... did you use them in your cooking? What did you make? I am still trying to catch up on all your posts to see where are you sleeping now...

    1. Hi Lana
      I've been keeping up with all your posts too. I was so sad that I couldn't meet you in Paris. Next time we must make plans in advance! I really enjoyed the photos of you and the family in Jordan. Hope you had a great time in Canada too.

      The current hot weather means that not much is getting done [by me!] and most French workers are on holiday at the moment. I'm quite excited by the idea of organic food and can't wait to plant the orchard, but I think that will be next year now. I had the courgettes with onions and garlic to accompany a hand-made goats cheese and tomato quiche [not my hands, I must say, but from a little patisserie in town].

      I will be here until October and hope that when I leave I will be able to see a considerable change in the garden, if not the house. At the moment everything is looking much worse than it did when we first bought it.

      Hugs xxx
