Today the forecasters got it right, very hot and sunny, after a cool start. So I was out in the garden early doing a bit of weedkilling. Guess what, SEVEN effing molehilles: I should have killed the bastard when I had the chance. There was even one in the middle of the boules court - it got through black plastic and the gravel to leave a lovely pile of soft soil. I poured a load of strimmer fuel down the holes and heroically resisted the temptation to set fire to it.
The rest of the morning was spent marking out a new lawn where the woodshed used to be, with poles, string, scissors, wheelbarrow, tape measure etc etc. Some of the ground needs to be built up, hence the need for wheelbarrows full of hardcore.
The afternoon was hammock time, followed by a trip to pick some more figs from Mme B's unending supply. It's frustrating that I can't make preserves because I've got no way of getting them back to the UK or SA, oh well. Picked tomatoes, blackberries and even 2 strawberries [an anomaly at this time of year]. Wrestled with the temperamental hose and watered some of the garden. Crashed out with a glass of wine and some duck. Bliss
Early night, let's hope this one is more successful.........
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